Caturday Health: First YouTube Video


Happy Caturday!

I am really happy (and nervous) to announce that I've just published my first ever YouTube video!
It's a video response to Machinima's open question - Are video games TOO SEXIST? I know, I know, THAT question again.... but I've always wanted to put my opinion on it out there, since I've only seen one other person who shares the same opinion and that's a shame.

Please view it here and subscribe, as I'll make sure to make it into an active vlog. Once I get over my camera shyness. It took me 4 hours of shooting to make this 9 minute video. Crazy, right? I was just so shy at the beginning, it was terrible. But it took a lot of tries to get there image

I can talk on this subject for hours and hours, my friends know that all too well, but what I really care about sharing with the internet is that I really wish things were more positive. People like FeministFrequency, being one of the more popular voices on the matter - I understand where they're coming from and I appreciate the try, but this isn't the way if we're thinking about the future generations and making a difference in the actual gender split in the industry, which is where this whole issue is coming from. It's not about pointing out the mistakes that people have done in the past, it's making sure that they have more guidance and don't do them in the future. Let's just all help the internet to be a little bit brighter than usual on this matter. I'm sure it won't hurt anyone image

P.S.: I am still calling this blog post 'Caturday Health' as being positive, even on the internet is healthy! Totally doctor's orders. And it's not even Caturday anymore, but.... ohwell.

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