Gaming Thursday: Mandrake Review (NSFWallet)


Hello dudes and dudettes!
Moogles by staticwind

Today I decided to do something unusual. I'm not really a reviews type of person and you won't see me do them, unless something is either terribly awful and I need to warn people about it, or, as in this case, something is terribly AMAZING and I need to share the awesomeness with people!
(click click)

All credit for this find goes to the awesome guys of Figure-GAF on Neo-GAF, as they have shown me the light.

I saw the thread and list of shops and after careful consideration, I decided to have a look at this Mandrake Japanese store. Working with a lot of Japanese people and people who visit Japan often, I've heard the name before and I was aware that it's a physical shop in Akihibara, however what I didn't know is that they have a website and ship worldwide.

For those of you who don't know what this store is - it's a second hand shop for everything geeky, but mostly toys and doujinshi (so be warned: it's totally NSFW). The cool thing about it is that their criteria for second hand stuff is nearly impossible. Mostly the toys that have never been opened from their box make it to the shop and their price is cut A LOT for any box damage. So they come in perfect condition. If there are any damaged they will be described on the pages and price will be heavily reduces. Which is awesome for collectors such as myself, who don't really get attached to boxes. I'd much rather put them in a glass shelf.

Aside from the fact that the toys are in great condition, the thing that amazed me the most is the shipping.
I made my order on Monday, from Tokyo, Japan. I live in London, UK. I paid £5 for shipping and received my package on WEDNESDAY, the same week.

Yeah. Crazy.

It was all neatly packaged with a lot of air cushions, so there's no damage to the figures.
I paid overall £40 with shipping (no customs, they wrote it off as present, which is AWESOME) for these beauties:

I am in love with them. And I can't wait to get more stuff from Mandrake in the future! I've never been this happy with any customer service EVER. And I'm a loyal Amazon customer. That says a lot.

Here's my 3-steps on how to find the most awesome things on Mandrake:

  1. Always search titles in both their English and Japanese titles.
  2. If you're looking for anime or video game figures, they will both be in 'Anime Figures'. The title is a little bit misleading, as that's where all the game toys will be as well. And original characters.
  3. You have to check out twice. The first time when you check out after you order, they will not charge you then, after that once your order has been processed you'll receive an email with an actual Pay page with additional shipping fee, which didn't seem really expensive. (1,100 yen for 3 items) 

That's all! Happy shopping and let me know what you're getting/want to get in the comments below~

Boba Pixel by eo21


  1. Hey Jessie,

    Persona 3 is my all-time favourite JRPG, hence I bough Aigis! :D

    It seem rare to see people who like P3 over P4 nowadays, but I still find it superior, though both games are amazing. Really looking forward to P5 next year~

    I love the Crystal art as well! I think Mamoru is a little bit over the top... but it's still awesome. Can't wait to see my favourite Sailor Jupiter. (ㆁᴗㆁ✿)

  2. I love Akihiko c: He's always been one of my most favorite characters! I actually haven't played P4 cause I don't have the console OTL but I'm so happy to hear P5 is coming out! Did they say which platform P5 will be on?! :D

    My favorite sailor is Sailor Mercury *V* but Sailor Moon is plenty cute too! After seeing the anime, I have this urge to collect the manga OTL And some of the items but they are all so expensive!

    Jessie @ bijou-heart ♥

  3. Love Akihiko-senpai!!! I have a figure of him as well, I may have posted it in my previous figurine post, but I think he deserves a new nice photoshoot! :)

    Persona 5 will be for the PS3 as well, it's been confirmed :x

    I think now's the best time to buy a PS3, as the PS4 came out and the price would be as low as it goes and there's so many amazing games for the PS3!

    Love Sailor Moon for her crazy all-over-the-place emotions. Reminds me of myself haha, but I wish I was more badass like Jupiter.

    I actually just bough one of the special items from the anniversary - the brooch mirror. I had a geeky moment when I just screamed out MOON PRISM POWER - MAKE UP! ..ah ah so silly

    (• ω •)

  4. *O* I'll look through your posts and see if I see him!! :D UWU I wish Persona would be released on PC/PSP again Q_Q those are the only two places where i play my games!!

    Sailor Moon Crystal Ep 2 is coming out tomorrow! (7/19) c: I can't wait >O< You are sooo lucky! I've seen some great ones on Etsy and Ebay by the same seller, but alas I cannot buy them yet *cries* They look so perfect, I want the mirror too!

    Jessie @ bijou-heart ♥
