Hyper Japan!


Hey dudes and dudettes,
It's been a looong time, I know. But this blog's about to get resurrected from the dead!... I hope! lol

I'm pretty bad at keeping up with stuff when things are happening. I just couldn't give the blog priority for the past few months, but then I remembered why I started it in the first place - for myself. It helps me keep track of stuff, remind myself things, keep things tidy and most of all - talk to you guys. I know you're out there.

Today I'll share my experience at Hyper Japan Expo in London. It's my first time going to the expo, I always voided it, because it lacks the cosplaying stage, it's probably the expo with least cosplayers in the UK. But I thought I'd give it a go anyway, since it has a big stage for Japanese fashion, predominantly Lolita. So I dressed up accordingly! image

It only took me about 2 hours to do this makeup.ヾ(●ω●)ノ

What I used: Lei Lani Wear White Face Finisher after my morning routine and pretty much as a primer, Missha Signature Real Complete BB Cream in #13, Heroine Make Eyeliner and Mascara, Kiss me Touch Me Blush and Lips, 3CE Cyan waterproof Eyeliner, The Face Shop Design my Eyebrows in Light Brown and Innisfree no-sebum mineral pact.
I also used the Geo Princess Mimi Green Apple Circle Lens. They're pretty much my first circle lens experience and I'm really happy with them, after a day of wearing them I barely felt any different than not wearing any contacts at all. I was worried I'd feel like I have something in my eyes the whole time or it'll irritate me, but it was just the first few seconds that were unpleasant. Especially considering this is a very large circle lens, I'd recommend it to newbies such as myself.

And then I wasted another 2 hours queueing just to get in. It was intense. And hot. I envied all the lolitas/cosplayers with parasols and umbrellas.

The Hyper Japan show was.. ALRIGHT! Haha, apart from my painful shoes experience, which happens pretty much every time I go on a con (you think these flats are comfy?!? Think again after 8 hours of walking in them!). The best part about the show I'd say is all the foods, but there were massive queues for the best stuff, such as shaved ice with red bead mmmmmmmmimage

There were a few artist shops with some things you can also buy on Etsy, a little bit overpriced in my opinion, but I understand the artists have to make profit at events like this. Still, there's no way I'd pay £30 for adorable, reusable fake nails. Especially not when the next booth is selling a slightly less adorable pair for £10. Sorry lovely artist lady! image

There was a major lack of cosplayers, especially compared to any other con in the UK. There were mostly lolitas for the fashion show, which I decided not to attend due to too many people and loud everything. But I still took a few photos with some amazing people I met around:

Absolutely LOVED this Kidd Icarus (?) cosplayer! If anyone knows her, please let me know in the comments below!

Cuteness overload!!!

cannot... resist.... cute stuff...

My best Hatsune Miku face ever. It's spot on, I know.

I also bought this bikini Monokuma, because.... WHY WOULDN'T YOU!?!? U PU PU PU PU~

An adorable lolita!

Suuuper cute food shop lady! She matched her background very well

Probably the best merchandise on the show (?)

Fell in love with this absolutely stunning Princess Mononoke (?) cosplayer! Such an amazing outfit~

Phew! That's it for now. image
I'm glad I didn't buy as many things as I thought I would. I tend to buy a lot of things on events, but I always look for the event exclusives that you can't buy online for cheaper, however this particular event was lacking those. Which is good for my wallet.

I'd overall give the event a 4/10 and will probably not go again, unless there's something I really want to see. I'll also go early in the morning, not in the afternoon, because the queue gets insane for the lazy people who refuse to wake up early on a weekend, such as myself.

Another thing you may or may not have noticed - I changed my hair! I decided it's time to do what I've always wanted to do and go blonde. I'm on my way there, as I don't want to pay a ridiculous amount to get it done at a salon, I'm doing one step each week. I'll make a post about that too, once I'm done with the final result. It's been a learning curve so far and a lot of chemistry involved. I feel like I'm smarter now! Wish me luck with the step next week!imageimageimageimage

What events are you guys going to in con season? What do you go for and what's your experience like? I loved dressing up and getting loads of looks and attention hehe, but I think I'll definitely go as a photographer next time. I kept telling my bf he should take more focus, giving him VERY DETAILED explanation of what exactly I want the photos to look like and he didn't seem pleased with it. I'll just do it myself next time!

I'll update very soon, until then - stay cool!

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